One World Days start in Baden-Württemberg on September 1st

Kidical Mass is the name of a bicycle parade with which schoolchildren cycle to this year's One World Days in their hometown - across the town, from the station forecourt to the inner courtyard of the town hall. With their colorful T-shirts in the colors of Agenda 2030, they draw attention to local commitment to sustainability and global justice.

This year, too, numerous municipalities in Baden-Württemberg are taking part in the nationwide initiative Meine. Your. One World. Between September 1st and October 31st, 26 cities and six municipalities are committed to more sustainability worldwide with a total of over 350 actions in their local area and to ensure that the 17 sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda are put into practice.

2019 participate in My. Your. One World. the following municipalities:

Allmersbach im Tal, Bad Boll, Dornstadt, Ehingen an der Donau, Engen, Fellbach, Freiburg, Gerlingen, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Heitersheim, Horb am Neckar, Konstanz, Künzelsau, Lahr, Leonberg, Ludwigsburg, Mannheim, Möglingen, Neckarbischofsheim, Nürtingen, Pforzheim, Schorndorf, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Hall, Schwetzingen, Straubenhardt, Stuttgart, Ulm, Untermarchtal, Waldkirch and Winnenden.

The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) invited people to the project in cooperation with Engagement Global's Service Center for Communities in One World (SKEW). “We have to rethink now. Global responsibility begins on our own doorstep. Municipalities and local initiatives play a very important role in this. All those involved in One World Days are role models for others. Because they show what sustainable action can look like in concrete terms,” says Philipp Keil, Managing Director of the SEZ. And he adds: “With migration and the question of the causes of flight, but also with climate change, global issues have long since arrived in the communities.” Dr. Stefan Wilhelmy, head of the SKEW department, emphasizes: “The Municipalities in One World Service Center is supporting the project with the aim, above all, of strengthening the global responsibility of municipalities.” The initiative is financed with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ ).

The initiative also serves to network various actors within a municipality and calls for joint action. But it's not just the association of the committed people in a place that is central, the exchange between the participating municipalities across the country is also very important. In order for this to be successful, there is a new element this year: representatives from the municipalities visit each other and symbolically pass on the baton with which they confirm their participation in Meine. Your. One World. declare. This will make the nationwide nature of the initiative even clearer.

All events are below events a DAK Bungalow.



All participating municipalities as well as the local actors involved can take part in the initiative's competition with their program. There are nine awards up for grabs with a total prize money of 30.000 euros. Minister of State Theresa Schopper, the SEZ and the SKEW will award these at a celebratory award ceremony on December 11, 2019 in the Marble Hall of the New Palace in Stuttgart.

Background to mine. Your. One World.

The initiative, launched by the SEZ in 2006, is taking place for the eighth time this year. 104 different municipalities in Baden-Württemberg are part of the project, many of which have already taken part several times. Over 2.400 events have been created through the collaboration of municipalities, their municipal institutions, civic, church and private initiatives as well as those committed to development policy. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of global issues, encourage responsible actions in everyday life and strengthen local networks. Mine. Your. One World. is part of the SEZ Partnership Center and takes place as part of the One World Promoter Program Baden-Württemberg.

Further information about the project can be found at

Background to the SEZ

The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) wants to raise awareness among the Baden-Württemberg population about globally responsible action and show how everyone can do something for a fairer world. The foundation promotes and networks private, municipal and regional initiatives to improve and deepen development cooperation with countries in the global south.

Press Contact

Beate Wörner, Tel. 0711 / 2 10 29-40, Email:

Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ)

Werastrasse 24, 70182 Stuttgart,

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