Climate justice for all – 6th Stuttgart Forum for Development on October 19, 2018

The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) and the Service Office for Municipalities in One World ( SKEW) from Engagement Global in cooperation with a variety of different institutions. Global value chains, migration caused by climate change, CO6 compensation, world nutrition - this year's forum examines the topic of climate justice from different perspectives and aims to make concrete suggestions for action. The focus is always on the question: What can we do and how can we live up to our responsibility?

There will be 12 specialist forums and a student forum on various aspects of climate justice throughout the day. Many of the approximately 40 cooperation partners will also present their work at the all-day market of opportunities.

On behalf of the state, State Secretary Dr. Gisela Splett, Ministry of Finance Baden-Württemberg welcomed the guests. Keynote speaker Anjalina Diana Podder, head of the climate department of the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of the Bishops' Conference of Bangladesh, will illustrate the importance of climate justice in her speech: Her home country is particularly badly affected by climate change due to its location below sea level. Although Bangladesh only contributes 0,4 percent of global CO2 emissions, it is one of the countries that is particularly suffering from the consequences of climate change.

Invitation to the press conference

The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) and the Engagement Global Service Center for Communities in One World (SKEW) invite you to the event

Press conference “For good prospects worldwide: climate justice for everyone!” Friday October 19, 2018 11.00:12.00 a.m. - 1:XNUMX p.m., Baden-Baden room, XNUMXst floor, Haus der Wirtschaft

Your conversation partners are:

  • Anjalina Diana Podder, Head of the Climate Department of the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of the Bangladesh Bishops' Conference, Dhaka/Bangladesh
  • Philip Keil, Managing Director of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ), Stuttgart
  • Dr. Stefan Wilhelmy, head of the Service Center for Communities in One World (SKEW) at Engagement Global, Bonn

Press registration

We look forward to your participation and ask you to register by email by October 15th, 2018. We ask you to let us know about any interview requests by October 17th at the latest. Please use the following contact for this and to register:

Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) Beate Wörner, Tel.: 0711 / 2 10 29-40, Email:

Further information:

The detailed program can be found at:…

The 6th Stuttgart Forum for Development opens at 10 a.m. in the König-Karl-Halle in the Haus der Wirtschaft, Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19, 70174 Stuttgart.

The event is public, entry is free.

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