Mindchangers for global justice

Young people direct their questions to state politics - State Development Conference x Mindchangers Summit at the Fair Trade Fair is imminent

Stuttgart, April 14, 2022.

At the first Mindchangers Summit at the State Development Policy Conference on April 23, 2022, young people will meet representatives of state politics and put their concerns about global justice on the political agenda.

The Mindchangers Summit program offers participants the opportunity to contribute their ideas for shaping development policy in the country through innovative formats. The focus of the conference is on the global challenges of climate change, migration and global justice, exchanges with political leaders and networking. State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet, who is responsible for development policy in the state government, is actively involved with a statement and in discussion groups. “Young engagement is important for our development policy. I am therefore looking forward to the conference. Only together can we shape a globally sustainable future and make progress with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. For this we need the power and ideas of young people. I would therefore like to have more opportunities for them to have a say,” said State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet. At the conference, young committed people will present ideas they have designed themselves. The summit is framed by a market of opportunities where 20 organizations present their offerings for young people.

In the final round, members of the state parliament and development policy actors answer questions and propose solutions to the topics discussed at the conference. Agreements should be made together on how the results of the conference can be taken up and followed up. In order to give the ideas discussed more visibility, young people are sharing their ideas about global responsibility, climate justice and young engagement online using the hashtag #CreatingChangeBW. After the summit, all participants are invited to visit the Fair Trade trade fair.

The conference was organized by young people for young people for the first time by a preparatory team of volunteers together with the Young Commitment for One World in Baden-Württemberg network at the Baden-Württemberg State Youth Association, the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) and the State Ministry as coordinators organized by the EU Mindchangers campaign and the Council for Development Cooperation. “The networked preparation was very new and exciting for us! Together with very different organizations and young volunteers who responded to our call, we organized such a large event without knowing in advance what input the committed people would bring with them. We are very satisfied with the result and, above all, proud to have designed the program entirely according to the ideas of the young people and with their help,” says the coordinator of the Young Engagement Network Ronja Kern from the Baden-Württemberg State Youth Association, describing the preparation of the Mindchangers Summit .

Asked at the annual state development policy conference as part of the World:Citizens dialogue format! The development policy base has the opportunity to contribute their ideas and initiatives and thus actively shape the country's development policy. The SEZ coordinates the Council for Development Cooperation, which advises the state government on development policy issues and invites people to the state conference. The “Mindchangers: Regions and Youth for Planet and People” campaign supports young people who are committed to climate protection, respect and cohesion around the world. The EU-funded project with a total volume of 8,3 million euros brings together young committed people across Europe and is coordinated in the country by the State Ministry and the SEZ.

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