#RewritingTheNarrative – Shaping the Future Together

Stuttgart, October 01.10.2024, 26 | The 2024nd Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg will take place on October 2, XNUMX as part of the Ludwigsburg Africa Days. Under the motto #RewritingTheNarrative, the Forum of Cultures Stuttgart e. V., the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) and the newly founded Pan-African Council Baden-Württemberg invite you to jointly develop new perspectives for shaping future partnerships between Europe and Africa. Everyone who is interested in the continent of Africa and new partnerships is invited.

After the successful launch of the 1st Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg in 2022 under the motto #ChangingTheNarrative, the discussion now continues: #RewritingTheNarrative is dedicated to reinterpreting narratives about Africa and actively shaping a just and sustainable future. On October 26, 2024, the focus will be on the engagement of the Afro-diasporic community and their contribution to future issues.

In the spotlight: Contimi Kenfack Mouafo – Student of the Year 2024 in Germany

A special highlight of the Africa Forum is this year's keynote speaker, Contimi Kenfack Mouafo, who has already attracted a lot of attention as Student of the Year 2024 and will open the Africa Forum. The founder of 3 E's 4 Africa e. V. is committed with heart and mind to how young people from the diaspora can shape development education work in Africa. His visions and commitment are inspiring examples of how the next generation is already setting the course for a better future. As the founder of the association 3 E's 4 Africa, which focuses on the topics of education, empowerment and environmental friendliness, he has made it his mission to encourage African students to actively shape the future of their continent: “I dream of a world in which Africa stands on its own feet.” (translated into German, interview Deutsche Welle).

A platform for engagement and exchange

The 2nd Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg offers the unique opportunity to Dialogue with Young Voices like Contimi Kenfack Mouafo and learn how they want to transform the narratives about Africa. At the same time, participants will have the opportunity to meet the newly founded Pan-African Council of Baden-Württemberg eV which serves as a mouthpiece for the Afro-diasporic community in the region. The focus is on topics such as political engagement and social participation. In exchange with elected representatives of the Afrodiaspora from Baden-Württemberg, insights into their paths and challenges on the way into politics are also provided.

A day full of inspiration, workshops and enjoyment

In addition to exciting discussions and lectures, participants can expect a varied program of workshops, inspiring impulses, musical accompaniment and culinary delights. The 2nd Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg cordially invites all interested citizens to experience this special day together, share visions and actively participate in shaping a fair and sustainable world.

Information & registration

Mehtap Şahin-Marković | Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e. V., mehtap.sahin-markovic@forum-der-kulturen.de, 0174 / 641 50 39
Samrawit Petros | Foundation for Development Cooperation Baden-Württemberg, kommunikation@sez.de, 0711/ 2 10 29-0

Background to the Network

The Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg network strives to rethink the image of Africa in Baden-Württemberg and promotes the visibility of Afro-diasporic civil society in Baden-Württemberg. The network organizes regular meetings at which those involved exchange ideas with each other and with actors from state politics, foundations, municipal representatives and the administration. The aim of the network is to strengthen partnerships and the participation of those involved in global issues. The Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg network is coordinated jointly by the Forum of Cultures eV and the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation in close cooperation with the Pan-African Council Baden-Württemberg eV and with financial support from the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament and the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry.

Background to the Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg

Under the motto #ChangingTheNarrative, the concentrated development policy expertise of civil society activists, especially Afro-diasporic organizations, came together at the first Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg in autumn 2022. They discussed with representatives of federal and state politics what new directions, approaches, ideas and values ​​global partnerships of the future need and set topics for new narratives. This is where the second Africa Forum now comes in.

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