School connects: A school partnership is created between the Mörike-Gymnasium in Göppingen and the Lycée du Saint Esprit in Bujumbura in the partner country Burundi

At the online conference, students from the Mörike-Gymnasium exchanged ideas with students from the Lycée du Saint-Esprit (Photo: Mörike-Gymnasium).

Last year, the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) connected two schools with each other: the Mörike-Gymnasium in Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg, and the Lycée du Saint Esprit in Bujumbura, Burundi.

This initial contact has now led to a school partnership. In order to support the Lycée in Bujumbura in equipping the scientific rooms, the Mörike-Gymnasium collected donations amounting to EUR 3.500. As part of an online conference, the check was presented virtually on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 by Ralf Engel (teacher), Michael Stark (teacher) and the students of the Mörike-Gymnasium to Thierry Manirambona SJ (headmaster) and the students* inside the Lycée du Saint Esprit.

The students from both sides were interested in each other and asked each other questions: A student from the Lycée du Saint Esprit mentioned biology as his favorite subject, and a student from the Mörike-Gymnasium reported on her everyday school life.

“Strong personal relationships between teachers and students are very important for a good school partnership. It is also very important that they have a common goal or a common interest.” This is how Steffen Straube-Kögler from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport describes a successful school partnership. In this sense, further exchange formats will be planned and implemented between the Lycée du Saint Esprit and the Mörike-Gymnasium in the future.

The state partnership between Baden-Württemberg and Burundi

For over 30 years, the partnership relationships between people from Baden-Württemberg and Burundi have formed a bridge across borders and distances. In 2014, a partnership agreement was officially signed by both regions to work on joint development in both regions.

This is how school partnerships work

School partnerships offer students many advantages. By learning together, they strengthen their awareness of global connections. At the same time, they deepen their language skills.

Please contact us for further information if you are interested in a school partnership in Burundi, would like to invite speakers from Burundi to the school or would like to borrow the partnership exhibition.

The team also supports you with various offerings on the topic of Burundi at schools.


To do this, contact Nadine Elghonimy, SEZ, 0711 / 2 10 29-11,

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