The reorientation of the state's development cooperation (DC) was the focus of the first closed meeting in 2020 of the Baden-Württemberg Council for Development Cooperation (REZ). The REZ will develop a corresponding key points paper for the state government in the coming weeks.
The REZ experts agreed that the Covid-19 pandemic must be seen as an opportunity to sharpen our focus on developments in line with the 2030 Agenda and to look at them from a new perspective. Other topics on the REZ agenda were the Africa in Focus initiative and the racism and power-critical view of North-South relations.
The REZ advises the state government on the implementation of the development policy guidelines. The REZ includes representatives from various development policy and civil society organizations as well as the Protestant and Catholic churches. The REZ has been managed by the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) since January 1, 2020.