SEZ annual report 2018 published

The annual and impact report of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) provides information about the offers and impacts of the 2018.

The Development Cooperation Foundation has prepared its annual report for the first time in accordance with the requirements of the Social Reporting Standard. The report provides information about the vision and approach that the SEZ follows with its work, as well as about the various offers and activities of the foundation. With more than 80 public events, training courses and lectures, the SEZ provided information on topics of sustainable development and thus contributed to raising awareness of global responsibility. In 2018, the SEZ supported a total of 30 projects with donations and 53 with state funds. With 47 projects, the majority of the projects supported with state funds went to the beffekt funding line! Testimonials from various areas of SEZ work report on the effects of SEZ work.

You can download the SEZ's 2018 annual and impact report here.

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