Donation from the Böblingen-Schönbuch Lions Club

Lions Club check presentation. Thomas Leonhardt, Susanne Pflüger, Philipp Keil and Ulrike Rödl (from left to right)

On the occasion of a lecture given by Philipp Keil, executive director of the SEZ, the Lions Club Böblingen-Schönbuch donated 500 euros to the SEZ. The donation will benefit the Zacchaeus House, a home for physically disabled children and young people in Gitega, the new capital of Burundi.

The president of the Lions Club, Ulrike Rödl, along with Thomas Leonhardt and Susanne Pflüger appeared to hand over the check. The SEZ passes on 100% of the money, without deducting administrative costs, to the Zacchaeus House, which will use it to build a livestock stable. The rabbits and goats are used both for self-sufficiency and for sale on the market to generate money for medicine, prostheses and school supplies.

details Information about this project can be found here (PDF download). If you would also like to support the project with your donation, you can do so here:

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