Starting signal for the Mindchangers 2023!

Start-up seminar with the project sponsors and representatives of the SEZ and the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg

The kick-off on January 26, 2023 marked the official starting signal for the eleven new Mindchangers projects in Baden-Württemberg. At the joint launch, the actors were able to get to know each other, network and exchange ideas about the plans and goals of the individual projects.

In the next twelve months, the Mindchangers 2023 will provide new impetus around the topics of climate justice and migration throughout the state. “Mindchangers – Regions and Youth for Planet and people” is a campaign funded by the European Union that aims to make visible and strengthen young engagement in the areas of climate change, migration and climate justice. The eleven projects were selected by an independent award committee made up of experts from various disciplines such as climate justice, sustainability, diversity, migration and education.

The Mindchangers 2023 are:

  • Culture on Tour – MyanmarMobile from Weitblick Freiburg e.V.
  • A construction trailer for everyone! from the youth department of the city of Rottenburg
  • Talk-To-Me: Generation of Global Citizens – We change perspectives from CaPoA Freiburg e.V.
  • Climate Stories from Fairventures Worldwide FVW gGmbH, Stuttgart
  • Climate crisis on our doorstep & solutions for tomorrow from the Friends of the Black Forest National Park e.V., Seebach/Ruhestein
  • Regional Youth Sustainability Lab from the Association of Mongolian Academics e.V., Stuttgart/Schwäbisch Hall
  • Change your Mind – Turn the Tide from Aktion Third World e.V. / iz3w, Freiburg
  • Vivas! Youth art performance on the topic of climate change from EPiZ Reutlingen
  • Yes we can protect the climate! Young migrants make climate protection tangible from Uthukumana Afrika e.V., Heidelberg
  • Plastic up, let’s do it! A practical implementation of the 2030 Agenda from Ndwenga e.V., Fellbach
  • Champions for Change from SIMAMA – STEH UP e.V., Karlsruhe

State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet, who is responsible for development policy in the state government, sees strengthening young commitment with a view to implementing the UN Agenda 2030 and the state's development policy as a central task. “We need young people, their creativity, motivation and participation, especially in development policy and international cooperation,” emphasized Hoogvliet. “I am very pleased that many young people here in Baden-Württemberg are actively committed to global justice and equal coexistence.”

We look forward to experiencing an exciting and eventful project year together with the project sponsors and are excited to see the ideas come to life!

You can find more information about the individual projects here.

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