Startup Africa

StartUp Africa Web

StartUp Afrika strengthens new collaborations between African and Baden-Württemberg actors.

At the event Startup Africa From July 27th to 29th, 2021 in Lagos, Nigeria, over 50 founders and social entrepreneurs had the opportunity to pitch their ideas and innovations, the chance to win funding of up to 10.000€ and thereby initiate new cooperations between Africa and Baden-Württemberg.
Start-ups, founders and social entrepreneurs play a key role in shaping economic relations between Africa and Baden-Württemberg: their innovative ideas can provide groundbreaking impulses for social and ecological transformations of the future. Equal and collaborative partnerships at heart and eye level are firmly anchored in the UN Agenda 17 with Sustainable Development Goal No. 2030.
StartUp Africa is a component of the cross-departmental Africa in View initiative, with which the Baden-Württemberg state government wants to strengthen the cooperation between African and Baden-Württemberg actors. In order to demonstrate the possibilities that lie in deepening African-Baden-Württemberg cooperation, the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry organized a meeting at the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute for Cultural Studies Research Study commissioned. The creation of the Africa in Focus initiative was initiated by Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Council (REZ) accompanied, who in his Expert paper provides central recommendations for new and equal partnerships of the future. With the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ), the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg and  Lead Africa International StartUp Africa is organized by experienced actors in international partnership work who already have broad networks in African-Baden-Württemberg cooperation and can establish new contacts.
Background information on the StartUp Africa event can be found hereWe would be happy to support you in establishing new partnerships.

Your contact person

Lena Wimmer

Communication team leader

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StartUp Afrika strengthens and promotes new collaborations between African and Baden-Württemberg actors.

At the event Startup Africa From July 27th to 29th, 2021 in Lagos, Nigeria, over 50 founders and social entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas and innovations, the chance to win funding of up to 10.000 euros and thus new collaborations between Africa and Baden-Württemberg.

Start-ups, founders and social entrepreneurs play a key role in shaping economic relations between Africa and Baden-Württemberg: their innovative ideas can provide groundbreaking impulses for social and ecological transformations of the future. Equal and collaborative partnerships are firmly anchored in the UN Agenda 17 with Sustainable Development Goal No. 2030.

The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) works closely with StartUp Africa State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg and  Lead Africa International together. Further information about StartUp Africa can be found here here and on the Website of the event.

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