
G-PAD Forum 2023: Politics meets Pan-Africanism

Speakers and visitors of G-PAD 2023 (from left to right): Mr. Philipp Keil (Managing Director of SEZ), HE Mr. Igor César (Ambassador of Rwanda), Timi Olanrewaju (LEAD Africa International eV), HE Ms. Alice Mashingaidze (Ambassador of Zimbabwe), HE Mr. Mbana Makina (Counsellor of Equatorial Guinea) © LEAD Africa International eV

On October 20, 2023, 250 participants of the Global Partnership for African Development (G-PAD) Forum 2023 met at the Baden-Württemberg State Representation in Berlin and online. This year's forum, with the theme "Africa's Outlook as an Emerging Global Market," invited the audience to exchange ideas about Africa's perspective as a future global market.

For the sixth time, LEAD Africa International eV has given speakers from various sectors and countries a platform to talk about Leadership, startups and a new image of Africa This year, in addition to representatives from politics, science and business, an activist voice was also heard – that of the renowned Pan-Africanist Prof. PLO Lumumba.

Prof. PLO Lumumba stressed that everyone must ask themselves the question “In whose interest is the relationship?” when relationships and partnerships are discussed. Because Africa is and always has been a continent of interest for the West. But discussions in the West are not to the benefit of the continent, but are partly reminiscent of the Berlin Conference of 1884/1885. Prof. PLO Lumumba called for a new, different style of partnerships with Africa: not parasitic, but symbiotic.

The G-PAD Forum 2023 is characterized by the fact that uncomfortable and open words are heard alongside impulses from politics and business.

Also State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet spoke in his welcoming speech of new partnerships. Because it is time for Germany to catch up with how other countries are in their relations with the continent. For far too long, they have leaned back and relied on old narratives. Africa is the continent of the future and therefore new partnerships are needed.

With this year’s G-PAD Forum in political Berlin, the organizer Timi Olanrewaju with the association LEAD Africa International eV, which he founded, he has gone a step further with regard to new partnerships, new friendships and fair cooperation.

We heard these statements at G-PAD 2023

For new partnerships in Germany or with German organizations, it must be clear what added value Africa offers – and Africa has a lot to offer.

Dr. Joy Alemazung

Mayor of the municipality of Heubach

Several countries in the Global North have already made assessments of Africa. Now it is time for Africa to find out for itself where the continent stands and what contribution Africa can and wants to make in new partnerships.

HE Igor César

Ambassador of Rwanda

'Nothing about us without us.' – It is time to work together to transform current challenges into opportunities and to do this we do not need any further strategies for Africa from outside.

SE Stone Sizani

Ambassador of South Africa

It is important for Germany to understand that Africa is not a humanitarian aid project, but requires long-term investments.

Prof. Brando Okolo

Head of the Steinbeis Consulting Center IMAPS

Pan-African impulses to Berlin

In addition to insights into previous and future partnerships, Prof. PLO Lumumba also addressed the current situation of pan-African cooperation. Africa has a duty to form alliances. Otherwise, it will just be jumping like a yo-yo from G20 to BRICS to G20 meetings. Pan-African institutions must therefore be strengthened and Africa itself must define itself, organize itself and identify its priorities. So that it can control the agenda itself and make itself heard. With Agenda 2063, the continent has the infrastructure for this, it must now be used and projects implemented.

He highlighted the important point that Africa must start to create added value and that pan-African meetings are necessary for this. But Africa never has discussions among itself, the meetings are always promoted by the GIZ and similar actors. This is why Prof. PLO Lumumba recently addressed a request to the West: “Leave us alone to discuss things alone!” The resulting results can then be used to exchange ideas again.

Prof. PLO Lumumba’s pan-African impulses were complemented by voices from the African diaspora, which honest and respectful exchange The G-PAD Forum 2023 provided a platform for this with the platform in the Baden-Württemberg State Representation.

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