Think outside the box and try things out

The nationwide initiative My. Your. One. World. The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) is starting its sixth week. Over 7 events will take place from October 13th to 50th.

On October 8th, Ehingen celebrates 20 years of the Local Agenda. Prof. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher will give a lecture there as a guest speaker on the topic of the future.

On the same day in Neckarbischofsheim everything will revolve around the topic of the future. The speaker Mamadou Mbodji works as a bridge builder between the south and the north, between Africa and Europe. He is committed to climate protection goals and an open exchange of ideas for a good future.

In Lahr on October 12th you can look over the “soup plate” and try it at the “International Soup Festival”. Once a year, all citizens of the city are invited to cook their favorite soup and let others taste it. There will be an opportunity to talk, share memories and stories and maybe even take a recipe or two home with you.

If you would like to know what events are taking place as part of the Meine. Your. One. World. If there is an initiative near you, you can find it under the following link:

Calendar of Events




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