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Corporations (e.g. associations, foundations or gGmbHs) based in Baden-Württemberg that are recognized by the tax office as non-profit organizations, as well as municipalities, parishes and educational institutions from Baden-Württemberg, are eligible to apply.
Newly founded organizations without an exemption notice can be funded if you can provide a notice of determination.
A maximum of €20.000,00 in funding can be applied for for a project. The personal contribution of the total amount for a project must be at least 15%.
Both the foundation's mission and the guidelines of the funding lines stipulate that the association's headquarters must be in Baden-Württemberg. For other funding opportunities, please see other funding opportunities.
Funding is only possible for projects in Africa, Asia or Latin America.
“The applicant organisation will only work with partner organisations in developing or emerging countries in Africa, Asia or Latin America that are sufficiently known to it and that are able to plan, implement, monitor and account for the project in a professional manner.”
“Developing or emerging countries in Africa, Asia or Latin America that are listed in the DAC list of countries: https://www.bmz.de/resource/bl…
Projects in Burundi. This year these are exclusively on the funding line! Burundi eligible to apply.
If you clearly sort out what effect you want to achieve on which target group, sorting will certainly be easier. If an impact is to be achieved in Baden-Württemberg and on the Baden-Württemberg population, we sort projects into beffects!Domestic. If the effect is mainly to be expected abroad or if the main component is a project with a foreign connection, then it is more of a case for beffective! Abroad.
Unfortunately, projects that have already started cannot be funded.
Only one application per funding line is permitted per institution per year.
For funding from the state of Baden-Württemberg (i.e. abroad) you can probably apply from June 15.07.2024th, XNUMX.
The application portal for beffective! Abroad closes on July 30.08.2024, 16 at 00:XNUMX p.m. Only until then Applications received completely and correctly will be accepted. Applications can be sent by post or email not accepted.
If approval is granted, you will probably be Mid November informed about it. The project may only start after an approval has been announced and formally accepted.
The project can be done at the earliest Beginning of December 2024 and must be no later than Starting February 2025.
It can have an effect on the conveyor line! A maximum of €20.000,00 in funding can be applied for for a project abroad. The applicant organization's own contribution in relation to the total amount for a project must be at least 15%.
Engagement Global's bengo funding does not accept public funds as third-party funding. Therefore, SEZ funding cannot be applied for in connection with a bengo project.
If personnel from Germany or the German sponsor have to be sent, a detailed explanation must be given as to why this is necessary to carry out the project. This includes information about the person, qualifications and duration of the posting. To what extent is the person being posted associated with a local person? To what extent are tasks handed over?
Expenses on the part of local staff who are directly involved in project implementation should be adjusted to the respective monthly average wages of the relevant professional group (local appropriateness of payment). The tasks of the co-financed staff must be described.
The project duration (implementation period) on the funding line has an effect! Abroad is limited to 12 months.
The SEZ manages several funding lines. There are currently two funding lines available for educational projects at home and development cooperation projects abroad: funding from state funds and funding from SEZ funds.
We see the translation service as part of the responsibility of the Baden-Württemberg partner, who is responsible for the administrative handling of the project.
No. The partner organization must be a registered non-profit organization or a public institution that is independent of the German applicant organization. If you have any borderline cases, please contact us.
The number of applications varies from year to year. In 2022, due to the high number of applications compared to the available funds, only around 1/3 of the applications received were unfortunately approved for the funding line from the state of Baden-Württemberg.
The state of Baden-Württemberg's funds are allocated by an independent allocation committee, which consists of regional and nationwide development cooperation experts.
We recommend consulting ours Glossary impact orientation.
The funding follows the principle of shortfall financing. This means that when you apply, you guarantee that you can afford the amount you have to pay. You must also pay this amount over the course of the project. If the project becomes cheaper, a smaller shortfall will arise. This will be "reduced" from the funding accordingly and must be paid back by the project sponsor with the invoice.
If there have been previous projects that were funded by the state, the SEZ must have proof of use for these (unless the planned project duration has not yet expired or the specified reporting deadline has not yet been reached), otherwise the project sponsor is not eligible to apply.
The receipts must contain the information and attachments customary in business transactions, the issue receipts in particular the payment recipient, the reason and date of the payment, proof of payment and, in the case of items, the intended use. In the case of non-cash payouts, it is not necessary to state the date of payment and provide proof of payment if the payout can be proven using the accounting records. In addition, the documents must contain a clear allocation feature to the project (e.g. project number).
Fee or work contracts must be concluded in writing. The contract must regulate: period of activity, specific description of services, amount of the fee, accounting, tax recording and declaration obligations. Fee payments to paid (full-time) employees or members of the funding recipient are generally not eligible for funding. The contracts must be attached to the proof of use.
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