Help with applying for funding

We want to use this glossary to help you prepare applications for funding. It explains the most important terms and is sorted alphabetically (under construction).

The following changes in the project process must be coordinated with the SEZ:

  • If the project concept needs to be adjusted / if new measures are added
  • If the individual approaches (see keyword individual approaches) of the spending plan are exceeded by more than 10 percent
  • If the project duration changes
  • If not all funding is needed

Requests for changes can be submitted at any time with an informal document or cover letter in which the required changes are presented and justified. Please remember the project number.

Applications can be submitted to the SEZ: non-profit associations that have been based in Baden-Württemberg since they were first registered in the register of associations, parishes, municipalities, schools, gGmbHs. Individuals cannot be funded.

Expense receipts must contain the following information

  • The full name and address of the contractor providing the service
  • The issue date
  • The quantity and type of items delivered or the scope and type of services provided
  • The invoice amount and the tax rate applied to it

An expense receipt also includes proof of payment (e.g.: receipt).
For foreign language documents, the most important information must be translated (not for documents in English).

The receipt list must contain the following information:

  • the date of a payment transaction,
  • the recipient as well as the
  • reason and the
  • Individual amount of each payment.

Documents must also contain a clear allocation feature to the billed project (the project number).

Please number all receipts. Add all receipts in the following receipt list sorted according to the expense items and structure in the income and expense report. Please include subtotals.

The own contribution of the private German or local project sponsor must not come from other public funds (e.g. the European Union, a federal state or the municipalities). It has to be done, even if there are fewer expenses in the project. See also under shortfall financing.

The individual estimates of the spending plan may be exceeded by up to 15 percent, provided that these expenses are offset by savings in other individual approaches.

If the individual rates are exceeded by more than 15 percent, this must be agreed (in advance) with the SEZ.

The form "Income and Expense Plan & Report“ is a tool for planning and invoicing your project.

As income and expensesplan ask everyone planned expenses planned revenue compared to. Similarly, please use the same form (after carrying out the project). actual expenses actual Income as income and expensesmessage to confront.

It is important that the sum of total expenses is identical to the sum of total income. Ultimately, all expenses must be covered by income.

The funding follows the principle of shortfall financing. This means that when you apply, you guarantee that you can afford the amount you have to pay. You must also pay this amount over the course of the project. If the project becomes cheaper, a smaller shortfall will arise. This will be "reduced" from the funding accordingly and must be paid back by the project sponsor with the invoice.

Fee payments to paid (full-time) employees or members of the funding recipient are generally not eligible for funding. See also the point on fee/work contracts.

Investments include, for example, the following expenses:

  • Construction
  • Purchase of buildings
  • Initial supply with seeds
  • Training materials
  • Equipment, materials, animals - including procurement and transport

We want you to pay particular attention to the Effects Your project is focused on so that the resources used are used particularly effectively and efficiently. The basis for this is that you carry out a clear problem analysis and define the goals of your project based on this. It is then important to design appropriate measures to achieve the goals, which then represent your project. Clear, easy-to-measure indicators can demonstrate the effect here.



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