Mindchangers - Regions and youth for planet and people

Mindchangers: a European Union project in Baden-Württemberg for global responsibility

We are mind changers! You too?

Baden-Württemberg is committed, migrant, diasporic, climate activist, but above all intersectional and courageous - and this is the only way we can bear global responsibility together and contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in our region. The EU Mindchangers campaign promotes your commitment to global justice and brings young people together across Europe to make your commitment visible - regionally and internationally. In order to support young engagement on global issues throughout the EU, the Mindchangers campaign brings together the expertise of project partners from Baden-Württemberg and five other EU regions (Europe Aid/160048/DH/ACT/Multi): The SEZ and that The State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg works closely with the partner regions Piedmont, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, La Rioja, Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles and Dolj County for Mindchangers. The campaign is funded by the EU program for development education and public relations (DEAR – Development Education and Awareness Raising).

The aim of Mindchangers is to promote your commitment to the topics of climate justice, migration and climate change and to set up new stages for the voice of Baden-Württemberg's youth.

At Mindchangers we critically examine established concepts such as the term development, provide ourselves with space for discussions on global inequalities and offer platforms for innovative ideas and concrete changes here in Baden-Württemberg.

How should these goals be achieved? The main elements of Mindchangers are a communication campaign, project funding for NGOs and municipalities, the guide for civil society organizations, cities and municipalities as well as numerous networking meetings and exciting workshops for those interested. 

You can see here which projects were funded by Mindchangers in Baden-Württemberg in 2022 and 2023.

Change thrives on shared goals and networking. That's why we would like to offer you a platform on which you can network, get to know exciting people and innovative projects.

Mindchangers: Spot on Young Power – the final Mindchangers Summit

Participants of this year’s Mindchangers International Youth Meeting adopting the “Mindchangers Youth Declaration”; Photo: Vivien Staff

Mindchangers Youth Declaration

The “Mindchangers Youth Declaration: Appeals and Proposals by Young People for a Sustainable Future – Mindchangers International Youth Meeting 2023, Stuttgart” is here!

The projects

The Mindchangers projects have been announced! A total of 22 innovative project ideas for young people were funded with up to 40.000 euros each in both rounds of tenders.






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File size: 7.3 MB © Copyright: Mindchangers - Regions and Youth for Planet and People

Visit the Mindchangers EU cross-region page

Would you like to be informed about Mindchangers in the future? Write one Email Müzeyen, we would be happy to add you to our mailing list.

Your contact persons


Project coordination Mindchangers & bworks! inland

Calendar of Events




About Us


support group


Board of Trustees

Job Offers

Board of Trustees


Global Commune

Partnership Center

project funding

School and global learning

World:Citizens asked!



Africa Forum

AMAHORO! State partnership


Act fairly

Fairtrade Schools Campaign BW

Future fashion


To connect

Funded projects

Network map

World Store Directory

Media Library
