Home / To connect / Committed people in Baden-Württemberg
There is a very large and diverse development policy commitment in Baden-Württemberg. To get an overview of clubs, NGOs and institutions, to know who is active in which country or with whom you can work together on a specific topic, you can use our networking map.
The color coding under the club descriptions is intended to help you see at a glance which continents the clubs and organizations are active in. Red symbolizes countries in Africa, green stands for countries in Asia and the color yellow represents countries in Latin and South America.
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Public relations work through documentaries on the North-South conflict and nature and species protection.
-Sale of fairly traded goods in our one-world shop, especially coffee, tea, honey, chocolate, cocoa, spices, jewelry, woven goods, baskets, gift items, UWS paper and much more.-Informing the population about development policy issues Activities in front of and in the store, lectures from our project partners (see 4.) in kindergartens, schools, etc. We are
WCE (Germany) e.V. collects donated computers in Germany to connect schools and universities in developing countries to the Internet. This gives young people in poorer countries the chance to have one
terre des hommes is a development policy children's aid organization and supports around 350 projects in 29 countries around the world. tdh supports people in freeing themselves from oppression and economic hardship
The company aims to promote and support technical development cooperation between industrialized countries on the one hand and developing countries and Eastern Europe on the other. As part of its corporate purpose, it takes on orders for clarification and advice
Transfer of business know-how.Providing business and management know-how in emerging countries in a targeted manner.Initiating, advising and supporting projects in emerging and developing countries.Promoting independent development (social businesses, social entrepreneurship, capacity building.
Funding of model projects and mediation of partnerships to combat poverty through community-based (“basic income”) support for those in need. Poverty does not stop at national borders. Minimum social security is a human right, and its protection is increasing
Promote all measures that provide effective help for disadvantaged population groups, especially in underdeveloped countries.
Fighting poverty, setting up vocational training institutions, street children project, social care facilities, setting up Kolping centers
support group
Board of Trustees
Open positions
Board of Trustees
Global Commune
Partnership Center
project funding
School and global learning
World:Citizens asked!
Africa Forum
AMAHORO! State partnership
Act fairly
Fairtrade Schools Campaign BW
Future fashion
Funded projects
Network map
World Store Directory
SEZ publications