Home / Topics / Partnership Center / Input & materials for partnership work
We can provide you with some materials online here. For further information and advice on South-North partnerships, you can contact our specialist promoter for local partnership initiatives.
What actually seems “obvious” is always experienced differently in partnership work. Because the collaboration between people from Baden-Württemberg and their partners in the so-called Global South is not a sure-fire success. It requires understanding of cultural and linguistic differences. If this is missing, misunderstandings arise. Prejudices are often (un)consciously reproduced, dependencies are not noticed and even less addressed. But this is exactly what real partnership means: that differences in power are reflected and (financial) decisions are made together and with the partner's perspective included. To support people in establishing and maintaining such partnerships, the SEZ offers advice and information materials.
Our Practical Guide – Young commitment to the 2030 Agenda
A practical guide for newcomers and active municipalities to make them “grandchild-friendly”.
Specialist promoter for local partnership initiatives
support group
Board of Trustees
Jobs & Careers
Board of Trustees
Global Commune
Partnership Center
project funding
School and global learning
World:Citizens asked!
Africa Forum
AMAHORO! State partnership
Act fairly
Fairtrade Schools Campaign BW
Future fashion
Funded projects
Network map
World Store Directory
SEZ publications