The SEZ supports Baden-Württemberg development cooperation initiatives financially and with advice. There are funding lines for projects at home and abroad as well as in our partner country Burundi, each of which is supported by funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg, which the state parliament has decided on. The SEZ also supports projects at home and abroad through donations raised by the SEZ as well as humanitarian aid projects in Baden-Württemberg's partner region Dohuk, in northern Iraq.
Our goals
The SEZ promotes committed projects that contribute to sustainable development and global justice.
We see the funding as a starting aid and cement for long-term partnerships between people in Baden-Württemberg and people in so-called developing and emerging countries. For us, partnerships are interpersonal encounters and relationships.
The aim of project funding is to support sustainable, long-term partnerships that are equal and respectful and enable joint learning and the joint search for solutions. You can read more about the SEZ’s understanding of partnership here.
Please read our funding conditions and FAQs in detail before submitting your application:
If your project does not fit into the SEZ's funding lines, if you received a rejection or missed the current call for proposals, you can find out about further funding opportunities here. The compilation contains information without guarantee.
support group
Board of Trustees
Jobs & Careers
Board of Trustees
Global Commune
Partnership Center
project funding
School and global learning
World:Citizens asked!
Africa Forum
AMAHORO! State partnership
Act fairly
Fairtrade Schools Campaign BW
Future fashion
Funded projects
Network map
World Store Directory
SEZ publications