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Die nächste Entwicklungspolitische Landeskonferenz findet am 26. April 2025 in Stuttgart im Rahmen der Messe Fair Handeln statt. Weitere Informationen zum Programm und zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier in Kürze.
Das waren die Inhalte der Entwicklungspolitischen Landeskonferenz am 6. April 2024:
“Ubutunzi bwa mbere n'abantu” – this Burundian wisdom in Kirundi means “The most important resource is people”. Whether people or raw materials – responsible use of resources is future-oriented. The 2024 development policy state conference as part of the Fair Trade trade fair was dedicated to the focus topic of resource justice.
The state development policy conference is the participation format for all those involved in development policy. Together with State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet and the development policy spokespersons from the state parliamentary groups, we looked at the topic of resource justice and focused on the following questions:
On the occasion of the anniversary year of the partnership between Baden-Württemberg and Burundi, a regional focus in 2024 will be on the partner country Burundi. In order to ensure a profitable exchange and synergy, the development policy state conference was held in cooperation with the BW-Burundi meeting.
At the annual state development policy conference, committed citizens can help shape Baden-Württemberg's development policy: In open discussion groups, committed people discuss the development policy guidelines with representatives of the state government and politicians and contribute new ideas. Anyone can get involved in the development policy state conference – no special prior knowledge is necessary. The state development policy conference is part of the World:Citizens in Demand dialogue!
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